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Tuesday, 13 September 2011

SADF Modeling and games

After trawling the web I was quite amazed at the amount of different interests one can find out there with our SADF boys and followers. 

Firstly I was in absolute awe with the BaxMod models that are available to purchase from http://www.baxmod.co.za/ and build, I do intend on getting a couple myself. I hope BaxMod don't mind me using their pictures.

Totally fantastic scale

The next product on the market is for budding gamers, please check out the SADF bush war theatre on the game Armed Assault from http://www.armedassault.info/_hosted/bushwars/index.html

Again I hope they don't mind the use of their image - pretty good realism.

Monday, 12 September 2011

My Wall of Fame

Some old SADF docs and my certificates and memento's

Demolitions Certificate

Mine Detector Manual

Pay Book

Part of Call Up

Xmas Card

Shield bought at the shop in 2 Field

Moth and 2 Field Badges in frame

My Pro Nutro and shoulder flash

General Service and other bits and bobs

More stuff framed.....

And more

On the wall

Pro Patria Certificate - arrived 7 years later with the medal - go figure!!

General Service Certificate, arrived with the medal as above!!

As above

Sunday, 11 September 2011

The Final Betrayal

Operation Displace was the final withdrawall of SADF troops from the South Eastern Angola region of the operational area in 1988/1989,  

Terrorism did not stop when the ANC/Communist alliance officially ended its terror war. The former terrorists had been given South Africa, lock, stock and barrel, by a spineless De Klerk government, but their slogans 'Kill a Boer, kill a Farmer', and 'One Settler, One Bullet' were and are still being screamed out, the clenched fist is still raised, and anyway, old terrorist habits die hard. While the words 'peace', 'democracy', 'reconciliation' and 'justice' are gushing out like verbal diarrhea from politicians' mouths, something totally different is gushing out from countless defenceless, innocent victims : Blood and guts. Now classified under the euphemism 'crime', the terror continues unabated, - if anything, worse than ever before. The aim is still the same : To drive out the white man and to intimidate all opposition, white and black.

The focus is still on lonely farms and on the weak and helpless : Especially the elderly, women, even babies are brutally attacked, beaten, raped and killed. The politically correct, fawning media reports the 'crime' on page 4, it even makes clucking noises every now and then, - but none dare call it what it is : Terrorism in its pure, unadulterated form. Terrorism aided and abetted by the Regime in its many forms and variations : Be they Ministers like Peter Mokaba shouting 'Kill the Boer", Missies Mandela screaming out hate-speech, hit-squads slaying opposition politicians, or the gullible mob doing the butchering on the streets, inside houses, at the work place, or on farms. By the end of 2001, 7 years into ANC/Communist rule more than 1150 mostly white farmers have already been murdered in the so-called democratic new South Africa.

War doesn't determine who is right but, who is left......

A lot of criticism has been said about this war that it was unjust and wrong, stating it was an Aparthied war. We weren't fighting black people, but communists, we had a lot of black people in the SADF in various regiments and posts and they were fighting side by side the white troops spilling the same blood for the same cause. 

When one is asked to do your patriotic duty by your country, you do not ask to see the stats of what was considered right or wrong.  To be honest when I was called up I had no clue what the fight was about, rather that I was going to be taught how to fight the Enemies of South Africa on the border. So much so I actually was unsure of what border and where the fight was. Perhaps I was naive perhaps it just did not interest me as I was more into how I was to go without my own life and without surfing for the next 24 months.