I don't know the accuracy of this below but is is funny
Largest country in the world: Russia
South Africa's ranking by size: 27th, by Population: 26.
SA Population growth rate, 2002: -0.5%
Fertility rate (per woman), 2000: 2.4
SA Population, 2000: 42 million
SA Population forecast, 2025: 35 million
Percentage change: -16%
Number of Olifant tanks in SA army: 168, of those, number operational: 4
Number of Rooikat armoured vehicles in SA Army 242, of those, number operational: 8
Men per general, SA Army:: 293,
Men per general, US Army: 2,000
Reported number of deployable troops, SA Army: 76,000, of those, number actually fit for deployment: 3,000
Total "cost of defence" in SA: R18 bn
Length of SA's coastline: 2,798 Km
Number of modern ships the SA Navy has to patrol the coastline with: 1
Name of ship: SAS Amatola.
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