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Saturday, 4 September 2010

Dear John's

This letter was the most dreaded, the DEAR JOHN, post day was a happy and exciting day as we new we would received either family news or perhaps a parcel with goodies. For a few this brought heart-ache and misery when times were so frantic and deadly. How is that a human being could do this to one in war.....?

Then you had the love sick puppies that played Air Supply and other love song bullshit - I believe this lot never had a girlfriend otherwise they would never have played this.

Here is a good idea lets have the army song you hated the most and while your at it the best as well.

Come on folks

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Friday, 3 September 2010

The Regiment

Here is some random pics just for the Sappers amongst us......enjoy

Bridge 14

Pontoon Bridge

Bust well in San village

Sweeping the ROAD to HEAVEN


My wall of fame

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Wednesday, 1 September 2010

My Rifle - My Wife

The day came during basic training where I was introduced to my wife R4 an exact copy of the Israeli Galil which in itself is family of the AK47 her accessories was a magazine that held 5.56mm nato rounds that travelled at 980 meters / second. Lesson one was that she NEVER left your side. You carried her everywhere, you slept with her in your sleeping bag, you carried her to breakfast, you had her next to you when you did your washing or when you took a shit. And when you really had to put her somewhere, the moving parts were locked in your trommel, and the big bits were locked in your “kas” (metal locker). And beware the poor sod who forgot to lock it all away. He’d shit bricks for a day or two with a op-vok to remember…

We carried this piece of shit around for more than a month before we actually took it to the shooting range at 22 Field. On the other side of this coin I can tell you the novelty wore off pretty quick as she was introduced into Rifle PT. They made us crawl through mud, just so that we could clean her for them again, we had to take her apart on demand, just so that someone could smack you on the top of your head and make you run for the tree, the pipe or the perimeter fence again and again when the bloody mouse wouldn’t fit in quickly enough… and it never does when you’re in a hurry.

Finally the big day came and we tumbled out of the Samils at the shooting range. And then lying down at the 100 metre mark, switch it S for single shot (R for Afrikaans / full auto results in unpleasant behavior by the instructors), aiming for the target. Squeeze the trigger slowly, like you’ve been taught… and
BANG! Fuck me, the fucking thing actually worked!!!! From this day on I loved my wife and also hated her so a typical marriage then.....

Guard Duty and challenging intuders.....

1. Shout. Loudly. “Who goes there?”
2. If no response, shout “Halt, or I will shoot!”
3. If still no response, take rifle magazine from rifle.
4. Tell insurgent loudly. “Please wait a bit!”
5. Find in one of your 20 pockets the three (yes, three!) rounds issued to you.
6. With teeth, try and tear off shrink wrapped plastic.
7. Put rifle down carefully, load three rounds into magazine.
8. Pick up rifle.
9. Put magazine into rifle.
10.Shout, loudly “Thank you for waiting! Now Halt, or I’ll fucking shoot”
11.Load round into chamber.
12.In the likely event that the insurgent has pissed off by this stage, prepare for a bollocking by the sergeant on duty for tearing the plastic covering on your three rounds.

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Bridge 14 attack during Operation Savannah - 1975

This is a brief decription of one of the most famous Sapper accounts in the history of the Angolan bush war.

The the famous battle at Bridge 14 on December 9, 1975, during Operation Savannah. This is the accounts of some really brave Sappers and other forces, that against the odds rebuilt a destroyed bridge over a fast flowing river in Angola. As Sappers' from Bethlehem, the Bridge 14 rebuild was an extra-ordinary feat as it was rebuilt from wood poles and sand bags that had to be cut down from Gum trees and the filled sand bags had also to be brought in.
As engineers, this group had been trained in locating and lifting mines, and in building bridges. From Bethlehem they were off to SWA for border duty.
During Op Savannah in 1975, the troops arrived at the little town of Bibo, Angola - a street, a bank, a hotel and a cigar shop. It was a ghost town, no people, like the Marie Celeste there was warm coffee still in coffee cups. At 17.00 each day the choppers dropped rations - canned peas and Rooibos tea.
Quibela was now an important objective. It was the first week of December and down came the rain. The Nhia river became a real obstacle. The north bank end of the bridge - Bridge 14 - had been blown up by SWAPO. It was up to the Sappers to 'fix' it. This was done by building up alternative layers of sand bags and blue gum logs which had to be cut down. (Note a beautiful picture of Bridge 14, taken from the enemy side, showing the repairs)
As they worked, the Sappers came under small arms fire and Red Eye (Katyusha) rockets. "The loud explosions of the rockets for two days wore the troops down. Troops could die (and some did). But then the Bats arrived, crossed over, and there was no more enemy fire after that. There were some acts of great heroism at the Bridge. A Lieutenant swam the river three times to get medical supplies for his wounded men on the north side.
The Elands (armoured cars) arrived, the Battle group crossed over the bridge and laid into the enemy. The repairs to Bridge 14 had paid off, but four of our men died. The troops were then ordered to withdraw and return to base, a decision already made in Pretoria, (a decision that upset many of the troops).
They were heroes all.......

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The Air Arm and the machines that got us home...Thanks Boys!

Mirage F1AZ



SA330 Diving

C160 Transall

Flossie on Curtain

SA330 Puma

Another SA330




Allouette II

SA 330 Puma


Fueling up...

Super Frelon

Op's Landing

OP Savannah

Chasing a riverbed

OP's Take off

Rapel Training

Spotter downed in Moduler

Rain Goddess


Mirage F1AZ

Border Toe....

Shit that was high...!

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