Please leave your name, rank, regiment, force number and service dates and if living or remembrance
Ian Stuart Buchanan - Spr - 21 Field / 25 Field - 84622455BG 87/88 Living
Jan Duvenage Spr - 21 Field/1Construction Regiment/5 Field - 77242899BT - 82/83 - Living
Mark D Haupt - S/Sgt - 17 Field Bethlehem/6 Field JHB - 70218755BT - 73-81 - Living
Victor G Bantjes - Spr - 21 Field 1984/1 Construction 1985/ 11 Field/25 Field 1987 - 81242018BG - Living
Germishuizen Louis (Gerrie), WO2, 21 Field Gerrandsdam, 1983/ 4 Field Regiment 1985 - 1991/ 19 Field Engineer Regiment 1992 - present, 80418155 BV, 1983 and still going
Spr. WF Schmidt 88340294BG 23 Field, Bethlehem; 47 Survey Squadron, Pothcefstroom. Living
J. Breedt 67425355BtT 17 Field Bethlehem 1970 - B-Group, Lincell Bungalow
Mark D Haupt - S/Sgt - 17 Field Bethlehem/6 Field JHB - 70218755BT - 73-81 - Living
Victor G Bantjes - Spr - 21 Field 1984/1 Construction 1985/ 11 Field/25 Field 1987 - 81242018BG - Living
Germishuizen Louis (Gerrie), WO2, 21 Field Gerrandsdam, 1983/ 4 Field Regiment 1985 - 1991/ 19 Field Engineer Regiment 1992 - present, 80418155 BV, 1983 and still going
Spr. WF Schmidt 88340294BG 23 Field, Bethlehem; 47 Survey Squadron, Pothcefstroom. Living
J. Breedt 67425355BtT 17 Field Bethlehem 1970 - B-Group, Lincell Bungalow
SA Muir SPR 2 Field Engineer Regiment. 87201802BG
Cpl (Sapper) Martin Godfrey 74271065BT
Guy Middleton 77571271PE.
Anonymous - 75532085 BG JAN 77 TO DEC 78
Anonymous - 75532085 BG JAN 77 TO DEC 78