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Wednesday, 7 December 2011

The Enemy

Who was he???

I guess if one had to say the Angolan Bush War had a variety of nations involved in this conflict, it could be described as a mini world war. There was the Angolans themselves, Cubans, Russians, Zambians South Africans, Rhodesians and Namibians.

Lets look at the average soldier in this conflict, he was poor but highly motivated though either indoctrination via politics or by belief, he was not provided with uniforms or sufficient training but was given decent Russian origin weaponry in great amounts.

Was he prepared to die for his country / beliefs, most of them would and this makes this enemy a very dangerous adversary indeed. There was however the farmer type who was forced into this conflict by political bullying and threats. This man was no motivated and was more likely to surrender or run away when confronted or when in a contact.


Cuban Cooker


Swapo foot

Koevoet and Swapo

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