Arial View of 26
This camp has left me with fond memories and mixed feelings, I was sent to 26 after basics to do the customary water tiffie and pontoon training, my immediate reaction to 26 is what a dump, the corrugated bungalows, open showers, field kitchen and cold, my G*d it was cold. Whoever built and designed those bungalows needs hung drawn and quartered and then asked to live there for a winter. I was assigned to Charlie bungalow which was situated fortunatly immediately above the ablution /shower block, which was handy when running for your bed after a cold shower at night in -15 temperatures. I can remember the cold water was actually warmer than the outside ambient temperature.

I guess my favorite character was Staff deVilliers, he was pretty cool yet someone to be reckoned with. I was part of the staff that had to stay behind when the camp went on a long weekend pass, we pretty much stood guard, ate and messed around or went fishing /swimming. Someone cleverly suggested taking Samil 50's and the Mog for a joyride and go follow my leader, stupidly we got all three vehicles stuck in the valley swamp below the camp and the main road. We eventually had to come clean and call upon the Staff at home to come and rescue us with the road grader. We were all given an oppie (corrective PE punishment session) and had to wash and diesel all the vehicles in camp - infamous we were.

Now lets talk about the "Tanie" in the kitchen, I guess she was the most feared member on the civilian or PF staff, she demanded respect or else, I have sat on many occasions in the bottom part of the kitchen peeling potatoes or cleaning pots when I pushed her too hard with cheek. I wonder what ever happened to her.
Me on pass with my Alfa
One of my three visits to the Bethlehem hospital was due to this horrible kitchen, my memory on this one has let me down but the short of it is I was involved in an altercation in the kitchen doorway and my fist came off my opponents chin and hit the corrugated iron door frame and resulted in a large gash on my right wrist. I had temporary paralysis in my hand for about two weeks - clever hey.
Die Dam (Loch Athlone ship restaurant)
One of my least favourite past-times in 26 was guard duty, I remember how many troops went awol into town for piss ups and then got caught coming back into camp in the boot of someones car, me included!! The hotel below was a great place but a lot of the PF's used to frequent this establishment so if you went in you had to be on pass and most of all behave. If you were AWOL, you either went out of town or to Loch Athlone for a lekker braai and piss up.
Hi Ian, thanks for posting that aerial photo of 26 Field's location. I stumbled upon your blog while searching for leads to the exact location of the base on Google-earth. I don't think you will remember me, I was one of the "rofies" that became cooks in May 1988. Gideon Cremer and some guy by the name of Maritz (I believe) were among the "oumanne" working in the field kitchen. I believe the "tannie" you refer to may be Wiena Viljoen ? Wonder if she's still with us today. Regarding that photo, will that only long, rectangular building be what was the HQ back then ? And the ruins to the north of that ? I think I can make out what was once the parade ground. At any rate, all the best to you ! Corné "Engeltjie" Engelbrecht