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Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Ex-SADF serviceman and proud....

I am really a bit pissed and upset, I have been patrolling the net and I am seeing more and more references to SADF soldiers being called, "the Apartheid Baby killers" ect.

Lest the world forgets.......

Barely 18, we are called up to do our DUTY, we say goodbye to our mother's, father's, friends, girlfriends and loved ones. We are transported in a blacked out trains / trucks to arrive in the middle of the night, cold and yes, scared and asking what now. We are shouted at, insulted, treated worse than animals in basics, some make it through basics and some shoot themselves or are jailed for running away from the stress and fear we endured - we were still boys!!!!

We then start learning about killing our enemy and also more importantly how to survive in 2nd phase and then shipped off to the Angolan border. We still do not understand the complexities of why and what we are doing, however we are still just 18..... and yes still only boys.

One walks off the SAFAIR flight into near 50 degrees temps and the heat hits you like nothing else imaginable. We spend a year or so either bored or with short spells of adrenalin pumping terror. Come back to Psych Evaluations and Klaar-out. Then called up each year to patrol, protect and enforce the laws in the lawless townships. Remove bodies of necklace victims and random murders of children, men and women - all we did was what our country asked, and needed. Ask any ANC or Inkhata why you want to kill each other, they do not have a clue other than we have nothing better to do and it's what we have been doing for centuries - Why are we then the insane killers of South Africa's yesteryear - is SA any better with the post 94 government. I fear not and that is why I left and still regret leaving my beautiful country.

I am sure that all these opinionated and "well" informed journalists who has never felt the emotions our soldiers had to experience, sleep well in their beds at night and telling the world only about 2% of the actual story. I hope all the "Rainbows" of my beloved country realise that we, the SADF serviceman is not protecting them now.....

All we as veterans of the longest war in history ask for, is the respect we deserve. After all, we did our duty and we are proud to have served our country - thanks for reading my rant....

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1 comment:

  1. Right said Fred.

    Ex-SADf troopie who did the same like you and successfully relocated to Europe this year.
