ANC March
Camps in Umlazi
Township over-view
On a different patrol, we were busy with pre-planned road block and we have not had a vehicle for about 30 minutes or so, we see this dark blue taxi come over the crest of the hill on it's way down towards us, it stops, then continues slowly again. our corporal then shouts, "Pasop manne", and was he was right. The driver floored it straight at us and the stopper group (armed unit on either side of the road block) decided to have some fun with the driver. Duppie (Du Plessie) Aimed a 1000 ft Illum Red Star flare at the fleeing taxi and let rip - It looked just like a RPG7 being fired and from the drivers actions he thought so as well as he baled out at about 40kmh, his taxi continued for about 60 meters and luckely landed up in the shallow river - naughty but effective.
Love for the whites
Tear gas and shebeens (illegal township bar): Again another camp and another township...this time Kwa-Mashu.
Umlazi SAP vehicle pool
Ok we all know patrolling townships is a demanding job and one gets thirsty, we are out doing raids with the SAP and I guess they are worse than us campers in some respects - like mis-behaving.
Kwa-Mashu - Durban
The SAP Sergeant in charge asked if we had any booze at camp as we explained we had just arrived and this was our first patrol out, we also explained we had been dumped in a field outside of Amanzimtoti with all our cars at Salisbury Island Naval Base and town was about 8 clicks away. I guessed what happened next was an act of pity on his part.
Propaganda poster
We never clicked when asked the question, any way the first shebeen we come to, the SAP constables bale out and throw Tear Gas into the Shebeen followed by our SAP sergeant, remember this was a night op and this was a dangerous township shebeen. The patrons ran out in all directions and we summarily helped the SAP in detaining everyone.
Homemade shotgun
The next thing most of us are ordered to confiscate all alcohol and to load this into all vehicles mmm?? We were later told whats in your Buffel you keep. I'll tell you our Buffels were loaded... it was to be a great camp.
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